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Local Issues
In recent years, Fluvanna County has experienced remarkable change. For twenty years and more, we have been one of the fastest growing counties in Virginia.
Unplanned growth costs the taxpayers of Fluvanna County money and diminishes the quality of life that has kept so many people here and attracted new residents.
The Fluvanna County Democratic Party supports the efforts of our county elected officials and the citizens of all walks of life appointed to implement the county’s Comprehensive Plan so that we can deal effectively with growth and sprawl and develop programs to ensure that Fluvanna’s treasured characteristics will be sustained in the future.
We believe in the importance of a quality public education system.
We spend over 60% of our tax money on educating our young people, and, while recognizing that the quality of education is not directly related to expenditure, we are convinced that you cannot educate today’s youth on the cheap.
We believe that every citizen of age has the right and responsibility to vote. To that end, we concentrate much of our time and effort to voter registration.